Photo: Rivka Herrera
"The Photorealists of the 70's and 80's produced wonderful picture surfaces, executed with exceptional verisimilitude that astonished the viewer (as intended most of the time) and in conjunction with the chosen subject matter, generated a visceral level of familiarity and recognition.
Hopefully with my work I can utilize some of the imagery and subject matter that they exploited and at the same time explore further the nature of the two dimensional picture plane. What interests me are the variety of marks and applications on the surface, whether they are meant to fool the eye or present a tactile abstraction of reality or simply exist on the picture plane itself. They are the drivers of the work. Sometimes they can stand alone, a swipe of random color in a corner for example, or sometimes the marks are interdependent as with the group that eventually yield the image of a car bumper.
The urban landscape being chosen as the main subject matter of the work is based on my own familiarity".
In the studio with another hardworking artist.
October. 2017.